The product is sent to you disassembled. Our products are made of 1st class galvanised sheet. Table thickness in products can be selected as 0.70mm / 1.00mm / 1.50mm. In the products, 1.50 mm profile is sent for 0.70 mm and 1.00 mm thick tables. The carrying capacity of the products in equal distribution is max 60kg in 0.70mm thickness / max 90kg in 1.00mm thickness / max 120kg in 1.50mm thickness. For the 1.50 mm thick table, 2.00 mm profile is provided. It consists of 15 pieces of table / 12 pieces of profile / 106 bolts nuts / 12 plastic bases for 3-layer 5 adjacent steel shelf. products are sent to you by cargo and warehouse. Products will be delivered to you with 100% raffar guarantee.
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