CARPET BEACHING MACHINE CRF 2100 FR, Carpet And Seat Washing Machines
CARPET BEACHING MACHINE CRF 2100 FR, Carpet And Seat Washing Machines

CRF 2100 FR Carpet whisking machine with brush and roller, designed to be used easily in narrow areas, directs the carpet to the lower part of the carpet while the carpet is beating, and the carpet comes to the roll-making section in front of the machine. Thus, while the carpet is supplied from the front of the machine, it comes out from the front again. CRF 2100 FR Carpet dusting machine has 210 cm carpet width. Therefore, it can be easily used for cleaning 6m² carpets. The CRF 2100 FR Carpet Whipping Machine, which has emerged as a result of long-term R&D studies, saves space with its modern design. Standard dusting machines clean the carpet only by beating. The CRF 2100 FR Brushed Carpet Dusting Machine, on the other hand, facilitates the carpet fluff removal process by scanning most of the hair, bristle, fluff and even carpet piles on the carpet before starting to shake the carpet with its brush on the front. It is designed in such a way that it does not take up extra space. Carpet whisking machines can be found in different sizes in different regions, depending on the size of the carpets used. For example, CRF 2100 FR Brushed and roller carpet beating machines are preferred because the carpets that we can call large and large carpets in our country have a size of 6m². carpet beating machines with wide width are used. These machines, known as carpet shaking machine, carpet dusting machine or carpet whisking machine, which have become one of the sine qua non of carpet washing companies, are vacuum 'carpet shaking machines' used for cleaning powder, foreign matter and mites in and on the carpets before carpet washing. is. Brushed Carpet Whisk Machines with Carpet Rolling feature clean 6 m² of carpet in an average of 30 seconds with their fast, effective and practical use. The carpet to be washed is placed in the basket in front of the carpet whisking machine. It is placed in the basket in front of the carpet beating machine with the hairs facing down. The brush dusting machine automatically pulls the carpet into itself. While the carpet whisking machine collects the hair, bristle, fluff, pile objects on the carpet piles with the brush on the front and separates the carpet piles from each other, the carpet is shaken with the beater apparatus on the back, the dust spilled from the carpet is poured into the dust chamber. The dusts poured into the chamber under the carpet shaking machine are sucked by the vacuum unit of the Internal Dusting machine connected to the machine and collected into the dust bag next to the carpet dusting machine, and the dusting process is completed before the carpet washing.

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