THYME ANCHOR (2-3 DEC), Agricultural Equipment And Agricultural Machinery
THYME ANCHOR (2-3 DEC), Agricultural Equipment And Agricultural Machinery

Thyme Hoe (2-3 Intermediate) is a special soil processing equipment used in the agricultural production of thyme and similar plants. This hoeing tool, which is especially effective in narrow areas and inter-row hoeing operations, provides the soil processing necessary for the healthy growth of plants.

Number of Intermediates: It offers 2 or 3 intermediary hoeing opportunities, which provides effective use in processing narrow areas between plants.
Soil Processing: Thyme hoe aerates the soil, helps clean weeds and increases water permeability. In this way, better oxygen and water reach the roots of the plants.
Precise Hoeing: It allows soil processing without damaging the root structures of delicate plants such as thyme. It is designed to process the soil without damaging the roots of the plants.
Durable Structure: Manufactured from high quality materials, this hoeing tool is long-lasting and resistant to difficult field conditions.
Areas of Use:
Thyme Fields: It provides effective soil processing between narrowly spaced plant rows in fields where delicate plants such as thyme are grown.
Inter-Row Hoeing: With 2 or 3 inter-hoeing options, it effectively cleans weeds between rows and provides soil regulation.
Inter-Row Weeding: It cleans the weeds around thyme plants from their roots, allowing the plant to grow healthily.
Thyme Hoe (2-3 Inter-Row) is a practical and durable agricultural tool that can perform effective hoeing without damaging delicate root structures, especially in agricultural areas where thyme and similar plants are grown. It contributes to the healthy development of plants with its efficient soil processing and weed cleaning ability.

Product Features

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