TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Description Protection against solid objects Box IP 53, terminals IP 00 Nominal size 60, 80, 100 mm in mm Accuracy class Class 2 in accordance with EN 13190 Scale ranges -100 ... 400 °C Operating temperature Ambient: -40 ... + 60 °C Scale length Max. 270 ∢° Dial Aluminium, white, gothic lettering Principle of measurement Bourdon tube system Contact type 1 adjustable toggle switch 2 adjustable toggle switches 2 with adjustable toggle switches 1 adjustable and 1 fixed toggle switch 1 fixed toggle switch 2 fixed toggle switches Contacts Micro switch Switch power Maximum 250 V, 5 A at 40 ... 60 Hz Non-inductive Standard switch difference < 2 % measuring range Connection, electrical 0.8 x 6.3 mm terminal block or AMP plug connection Product Description Micro-switch expansion thermometer Mechanical temperature regulator Applications In mechanical engineering temperature regulation Temperature regulation in bakery ovens Oil temperature regulation in compressors Temperature regulation in the refrigeration industry Other Features Temperature regulation and display in a single gauge High switching safety and service life
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