Selcoperm Elektroklornasyon The Selcoperm system is an effective and efficient disinfection solution that eliminates the need for transport and storage of chemicals by generating sodium hypochlorite on the spot, using only salt, water and electrical energy. Safe and cost-efficient disinfectant generation Grundfos’ Selcoperm system offers excellent health and safety benefits for operators. With no expenditure required for the transport of the disinfectant, its storage and handling are easy–thus cutting operating costs. Simple and easy-to-use turn-key solution Safe and reliable disinfection method Safe on-site production of sodium hypochlorite according to your requirements Buffer storage tank to handle demand peaks
Uyarı: İlan sahibinin mal ve hizmetini ilgililere sunduğu fiili alanı (işyeri, dükkan vb.) ziyaret etmeden ve satın almak istediğiniz mal ve hizmeti teslim almadan önce herhangi bir ödeme (kapora, avans vb.) yapmamanız önerilir.