Designed to maximize your barbecue enjoyment, our professional barbecue wires are manufactured from high-quality materials and offer durability and long life. Thanks to the superior techniques used in manufacturing, it caters to all kinds of needs and usage areas with our different size options.
product specifications:
High Durability: It provides long-term use with its strong wire structure.
Easy Cleanability: It is easy to clean thanks to its non-stick surface.
Various Size Options: Suitable for all kinds of barbecues with small, medium and battal size alternatives.
Mass Production: Our production is working at full capacity in order to respond to your needs quickly.
Size and Price Information (13.01.2025 Current Prices):
Small Size: 50 TL
Medium Size: 55 TL
Combat Size: 60 TL
areas of use:
It is ideal for grill construction at home and outdoor events.
It is suitable for picnic, camping and professional kitchen uses.
You can contact us for detailed information and order.
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