Cargo bags are important packaging products that offer safe and practical transportation solutions and are produced with various features for different needs. Quality cargo bags are prepared with the best materials to ensure the safe transportation of products. The adhesive cargo bags provide particularly easy handling and the mouth can be closed quickly thanks to the bags with adhesive tape, offering a safe transport. Such bags cater to different needs, especially with their varieties that do not re-open or have features that can be opened and closed.
Transparent cargo bags are an ideal choice for those who want the product contained in them to look. In addition to the safe transportation of products, these bags offer additional features such as double serial number printing to ensure the traceability of the shipped products. Oct. In addition, documents such as invoices, waybills or notes can also be placed outside the bag with the transparent pocket application.
Printed cargo bags are preferred for branded shipments, especially in commercial use. Thanks to the prints applied to the front and back surfaces, the logo or identifying information of your company is also taken into account by the customers during the cargo. In addition, printed bags coated with nylon with balloons inside help to safely transport especially electronic goods and sensitive products.
With an environmentally conscious production approach, our company offers high-quality and durable cargo bags by protecting natural resources. Adhesive and printed bags produce solutions for the needs of companies in different sectors with various features. Whether disposable or re-openable, all our cargo bags ensure that the products are delivered safely without damage.
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