These modern prefabricated structures are built with strong and durable materials, offering designs resistant to various climatic conditions, keeping the safety and comfort of users at the forefront. The installation of the structures is carried out with a steel bolt system on a pre-prepared concrete pedestal, and the frame system has been preferred to provide high resistance to earthquakes. In addition, the carrier system supported by steel columns and shears, 100 kg/m2 snow load, 90 km/h wind speed and 1. the degree is designed in accordance with earthquake conditions.
Cemented particle board (BETOPAN), which provides insulation against heat, sound and humidity, non-flammable, is used on the external and internal walls. B-1 class polystyrene rigid foam placed between the walls provides high thermal efficiency and energy saving. Dec. The outer surface of the structure is especially reinforced with water-resistant materials that increase durability.
The roof is reinforced with a light steel truss system and a special waterproofing membrane, and heat loss is prevented with shingle coating and glass wool insulation. Ceilings, on the other hand, combine aesthetics and safety with drywall coating and fireproof glass wool insulation. In addition, PVC Vinyl eaves coating and suitable drainage systems ensure the long life of the structure.
The interiors are equipped with modern designed doors, PVC joinery windows, high quality floor coverings and TSE approved plumbing materials. While the electrical installation is carried out with security measures, all cables are laid on plaster and offer easy installation and maintenance. The sanitary ware is also designed with high quality materials in such a way as to maximize user comfort.
An aesthetic and functional structure has been provided by using laminate flooring and ceramics in the floor coverings. There are comfortable and modern plumbing elements in the bathrooms and wcs. By furnishing the interior spaces with aesthetic and durable materials, a living space aiming at high quality of life has been created.
These prefabricated structures offer an excellent solution with fast installation time and long-lasting durability. High energy efficiency, comfortable interiors and durable exterior structure make these structures both economical and environmentally friendly.
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